Warm Thoughts

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A friend is one who listens without judgment or criticism. 

The greatest gift I can give to another is to love and accept them as they are. 

The greatest gift one can give to me is to love and accept me as I am. 

Treating people with respect and dignity begets being treated with respect and dignity. 

If I enter a relationship to get, I lose. If I enter a relationship to give, I get. 

Relationships work best when I always do what is best for me. 

All relationships bear gifts. I can only see the gifts when I stop thinking and reacting like a victim. 

Trying to please others is a fast track to disappointment. 

It is not my responsibility to make others happy. 

It is not the responsibility of others to make me happy. 

It is not my responsibility to make decisions for others or to judge the decisions they make. 

Relationships work better when appreciation is abundant. 

Being self-full is a wonderful gift to give another. 

I experience myself as that which I know myself to be by relating to others.
