Deservability Treatment

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I am deserving. I deserve all good. Not some, not a little bit, but all good.

I now move past all negative, restricting thoughts.

I release and let go of the limitations of my parents. I love them, and I go beyond them. I am not their negative opinion, nor their limiting beliefs. 

I am not bound by any of the fears or prejudices of the current society I live in.

I no longer identify with limitations of any kind.

In my mind, I have total freedom. I now move into a new space of consciousness, where I am willing to see myself differently.

I am willing to create new thoughts about myself and about my life. My new thinking becomes new experiences.

I now know and affirm that I am at one with the Prospering Power of the Universe. As such, I now prosper in a number of ways. The totality of possibilities lies before me.

I deserve life, a good life.

I deserve love, an abundance of love.

I deserve good health.

I deserve to live comfortably and to prosper.

I deserve joy and happiness.

I deserve freedom to be all that I can be.

I deserve more than that, I deserve all good.

The Universe is more than willing to manifest my new beliefs. And I accept this abundant life with joy, pleasure, and gratitude. For I am deserving. I accept it; I know it to be true.
